Thursday, June 26, 2008


Orkut is a social networking service which is run by Google and named after its creator, an employee of Google - Orkut Büyükkökten. The service states that it was designed to help users meet new friends and maintain existing relationships. Orkut is similar to other social networking sites. Since October 2006, Orkut has permitted users to create accounts without an invitation. Orkut is the most visited website in Brazil and second most visited site in India. The initial target market for Orkut was the United States, but the majority of its users are in India and Brazil.[1] In fact, as of May 2008, 53.86% of Orkut's users are from Brazil, followed by India with 16.97% [2] and 43.9% of the traffic comes from Brazil, followed by India with 38.8%.[3]



[edit] History

Orkut was launched in January 2004 by search company Google, as the brainchild of Orkut Büyükkökten, a Turkish software engineer, who developed it as an independent project while working at Google. In late June 2004, Affinity Engines filed suit against Google, claiming that Orkut Büyükkökten and Google based Orkut on inCircle code.[4]

Originally, its membership was by invitation.[5]. By April 2008, Orkut's user base numbered at around 120 million, next only to MySpace.

[edit] Features

A user first creates a "Profile", in which the user provides "Social", "Professional" and "Personal" details. Users can upload photos into their Orkut profile with a caption. Users can also add videos to their profile from either YouTube or Google Video with the additional option of creating either restricted or un-restricted polls for polling a community of users.

[edit] Scrapbook

"Scrapping" is popular among the Orkut community as a form of offline and online communication. In December 2007, the ability to pop up alerts immediately when a scrap is received was added, adding instant messaging-like capabilities to Orkut.

[edit] Communities

Another feature of Orkut are "Communities". Anyone with an Orkut account can create a community on anything. One can post topics, inform users about an event, ask them questions or just play games. There are more than one million communities on Orkut with topics ranging from pizza to pasta. The first five communities on Orkut were started within 24 hrs of the site's launch. There were a total of 47,092,584 communities on Orkut as per March 24, 2008 4:25PM IST (+5:30 GMT). With the recent addition of the search topic feature in the communities, some Orkut communities become the de facto source for the website links to movies, e-books etc.

[edit] Other miscellaneous features

They can make groups to join friends according to their wishes. Further, each member can become fans of any of the friends in their list and can also evaluate whether their friend is "Trustworthy", "Cool", "Sexy" on a scale of 1 to 3 (marked by icons) and is aggregated in terms of a percentage. Unlike Facebook, where a member can view profile details of people only on their network, Orkut allows anyone to visit anyone's profile, unless a potential visitor is on your "Ignore List". Importantly, each member can also customize their profile preferences and can restrict information that appear on their profile from their friends and/or others (not on the friends list). Another feature is that any member can add any other member on Orkut to his/her "Crush List" and both of them will be informed only when both parties have added each other to their "Crush List".

When a user logs in, they see the people in their friends list in the order of their logging in to the site, the first person being the latest one to do so.[6] Orkut's competitors are other social networking sites including MySpace and Facebook. Ning is a more direct competitor, as they allow creation of Social Networks which are similar to Orkut's communities.

There is a birthday reminder on the homepage of each user, which shows upcoming birthdays of that user's network friends.

Orkut users can decide the countries from which they want to get friends requests from. Or the person sending request has to verify the email address of the another person.

[edit] Orkut Redesign

On Friday, August 24, 2007, Orkut announced a redesign. The new UI contains round corners and soft colors including small logotype at upper left corner. The redesign has been announced on the official Orkut Blog.

By Thursday, August 30, 2007, most users on Orkut could see changes on their profile pages as per the new redesign. On the 31st, Orkut announced its new features including improvements to the way you view your friends, 9 rather than 8 of your friends displayed on your homepage and profile page and basic links to your friends' content right under their profile picture as you browse through their different pages. It also announced the initial release of Orkut in 5 new languages: Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, and Telugu. Profile editing can take place by clicking the settings button under your profile photo (or alternatively, click the blue settings link at the top of any page).

On September 4, 2007, Orkut announced another new feature. You can now see an "Updates from your friends" box on the homepage, where you'll get real-time updates when your friends make changes to their profiles, photos and videos. Moreover, in case you want to keep some things on your profile private, Orkut has added an easy opt-out button on the settings page.

On November 8, 2007, Orkut greeted its Indian users Happy Diwali in a very special way, by allowing them to change their Orkut look to a Diwali-flavored reddish theme.

On April Fools' Day 2008, Orkut temporarily changed its name on its webpage to yogurt, apparently as a prank.

On 2nd June 2008, Orkut has launched its theming engine with a small set of default themes.[7] along with this PHOTO tagging has also finally arrived at orkut.

[edit] Orkut Applications

On 16th April, 2008, Orkut began rolling out applications to everyone in India and then in phases to the rest of the world.[8] Currently, the number of applications in the application directory stands at 147 (as of 10 June 2008).

[edit] Criticism

[edit] Flooders and fake profiles

As with any online social networking community, a number of fake and cloned profiles exist on Orkut.[9] Due to the large number of users, and the deactivation of the jail system, the profiles were often left unremoved or, when removed, recreated easily. These profiles are normally created to troll, to spam, to flood or just for fun. It is not hard to find users owning more than one profile, with some stating they own hundreds.

In 2005 invisible profiles, communities and topics started to appear in Orkut. This could be achieved by using HTML escaping codes and 1x1 pixel photos to fool the engine behind the site.[10]

In August 2005 a freeware program was made in Delphi called Floodtudo ("tudo" in Portuguese means "everything" - this was developed by a Brazilian) specifically for flooding Orkut. It quickly spread through the users and was easily downloadable (the most common Floodtudo versions were 1.2, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.2). As this program was massively used by thousands of spammers, a big spam wave struck Orkut in September and October 2005.

As the flooding of Orkut was becoming out of control, the developers implemented some features in order to stop this. These features included not allowing two or more verbatim topics or scrapbook entries to be submitted, forcing the user to wait before posting another topic or scrapbook entry, and the usage of captchas, whenever a scrap entry is hyperlinked. They gave more rights to community moderators as well, so that users can be banned outright instead of relying on the developers to remove them.

[edit] Hate groups

There has recently been controversy revolving around the use of Orkut by various hate groups. Virulent racists and religious fanatics allegedly have a solid following there. Several hate communities focused on racism, Nazism and white supremacy have been deleted due to guideline violation.

In 2005, various cases of racism were brought to police attention and reported on in the Brazilian media.[citation needed] In 2006, a judicial measure was opened by the Brazil federal justice denouncing a 20-year-old student accused of racism against those of African ancestry and spreading defamatory content on Orkut.[11] Brazilian Federal Justice subpoenaed Google on March 2006 to explain the crimes that had occurred in Orkut.[12]

Anti-religion, anti-national, and anti-ethnic hate groups have also been spotted. Recently an Indian court has issued notices to Google on some of the groups. The Mumbai Police are seeking a ban on Orkut post objections raised by political groups. Groups denigrating various political leaders and celebrities have also emerged. Also in a reported case of 2005, racist groups have been reported. They were anti-Tamil groups. No names have been revealed yet.

[edit] State Censorship

Orkut was very popular in Iran, but the website is now blocked by the government. According to official reports, this is due to national security issues, and Islamic ethical issues about dating and match making. To get around this block, sites such as (now defunct) were made for Iranian users. Other websites such as Yahoo! Groups and Google Groups have communities dedicated to receiving updates on the newest location of Iran's Orkut proxy. Though it was once possible to bypass governmental blockage of Orkut, the site has closed its HTTPS pages on all anonymous proxies. Now it is almost impossible for ordinary users to visit this site inside Iran.[neutrality disputed] Many other sites have been published in Iran since Orkut's blockage, using the same social-networking model - examples include MyPardis, Cloob and Bahaneh. Of course, these websites run a high risk of being blocked as well, so they have their own censorship policies to meet Iran's unwritten regulations and rules of filtering.

In August 2006, United Arab Emirates followed the footsteps of Iran in blocking the site. This block was subsequently removed in October 2006. On July 3, 2007, Gulf News revisited the issue, publishing complaints from members of the public against Orkut communities like "Dubai Sex", and officially bringing the complaints to the attention of the state telecom monopoly Etisalat [13]. The ensuing moral panic resulted in a renewed ban of the site by Etisalat by July 4, 2007 [14], still in effect despite Google's promise to negotiate the ban with the UAE [15]. Saudi Arabia is another country that has blocked access to Orkut, while Bahrain's information ministry is also under pressure to follow suit [16].

[edit] Privacy

Earlier in Orkut it was allowed for anybody to view any one's pictures, videos as well as scraps. But this gave promotion to the people who started misusing the photos and videos and placed them on the internet with fake details. Many of them were vulgar and specially of the Females. Moreover the scraps could be read easily. Due to the addition of features like "you need to be friends to XYZ" to view his/her scraps, and locking of videos photos etc. it has become quite safe to share the thoughts, photos and videos with "friends only".

[edit] Security and safety

[edit] Hacking accounts and communities with XSS

In 2005 dozens of communities' ownership was hacked. A similar feat was performed using a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. Eventually, various phishing sites were developed with the intent of stealing other people's accounts and communities.

In December 2007, hundreds of thousands of users accounts were affected, using another XSS vulnerability and a worm. A user's account was affected when the user simply read a particular scrap containing an embed which caused the user to automatically become a part of a community on the site, without approval. The affected user's account was then used to send this scrap to everyone present in the user's friend list thereby creating a sort of a huge wave.

[edit] MW.Orc worm

On June 19, 2006 FaceTime Security Labs' security researchers Christopher Boyd and Wayne Porter discovered a worm, dubbed MW.Orc.[17]

The worm steals users' banking details, usernames and passwords by propagating through Orkut. The attack was triggered as users launched an executable file disguised as a JPEG file. The initial executable file that causes the infection installs two additional files on the user's computer. These files then e-mail banking details and passwords to the worm's anonymous creator when infected users click on the "My Computer" icon.

The infection spreads automatically by posting a URL in another user's Orkut Scrapbook, a guestbook where visitors can leave comments visible on the user's page. This link lures visitors with a message in Portuguese, falsely claiming to offer additional photos. The message text that carries an infection link can vary from case to case.

In addition to stealing personal information, the malware can also enable a remote user to control the PC and make it part of a botnet, a network of infected PCs. The botnet in this case uses an infected PC's bandwidth to distribute large, pirated movie files, potentially slowing down an end-user's connection speed.

The initial executable file (Minhasfotos.exe) creates two additional files when activated, winlogon_.jpg and wzip32.exe (located in the System32 Folder). When the user clicks the "My Computer" icon, a mail is sent containing their personal data. In addition, they may be added to an XDCC Botnet (used for file sharing), and the infection link may be sent to other users that they know in the Orkut network. The infection can be spread manually, but also has the ability to send "back dated" infection links to people in the "friends list" of the infected user.

According to statements made by Google, as noted in Facetime's Greynets Blog, the company had implemented a temporary fix for the dangerous worm.[17]

[edit] HTTPS Not Obvious

In and around April 17, 2007 users began reporting that secure (https) access to the Orkut login server was no longer available.

In fact, Google had changed the main login page to http delivery to improve efficiency, but the actual login remained secure using https in an iframe [18]. This information had not been well-published by Google, and did not give the users the reassurance of seeing the "secure connection" padlock in the browser. On July 17, 2007, a revised login page, which is delivered via https, addressed these issues.

[edit] Session Management and Authentication Issues

On June 22, 2007 Susam Pal and Vipul Agarwal published a security advisory on Orkut vulnerabilities related to authentication issues.[19] The vulnerablities are considered very dangerous in cybercafes, or in the case of man-in-the-middle attack as they can lead to session hijacking and misuse of legitimate accounts.[20] The vulnerabilities are not known to be fixed yet and therefore pose threat to the Orkut users.

A week later, on June 29, 2007 Susam Pal published another security advisory which described how the Orkut authentication issue can be exploited to hijack Google and Gmail sessions and misuse the compromised account of a legitimate user under certain conditions.

Joseph Hick performed an experiment on the basis of the advisories published by Susam Pal, to find out how long a session remains alive even after a user logs out.[21] His experiment confirmed that the sessions remain alive for 14 days after the user has logged out. It implies that a hijacked session can be used for 14 days by the hijacker because logging out does not kill the session.[22]

[edit] W32/KutWormer

On December 19, 2007, a worm written in Javascript started to cause havoc. Created by a Brazilian user, it automatically made the user join the virus related community and infect all friends' scrapbooks with copies of itself.

The worm is spreading through Orkut’s recently introduced tool that allows users to write messages that contain HTML code. The ability to add Flash/Javascript content to Orkut scraps was only recently introduced.[23][24] on March 3, 2008 W32/Scrapkut.worm was found. The worm attempts to spread itself by sending orkut users scraps that contains the link to the worm itself.Aliases Downloader.Banload.ONK (GRISoft) TR/Dldr.Orkut.A (Avira) Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Banload.auf (IKARUS) Trojan.DL.Win32.Banload.dzm (Rising) W32.Scrapkut (Symantec)

[edit] Legal Issues

[edit] Brazil

On August 22, 2006, Brazilian Federal Judge José Marcos Lunardelli ordered Google to release Orkut user’s information of a list of about two dozen Brazilian nationals, believed to be using Orkut to sell drugs and involved in child pornography by September 28. The judge ordered Google to pay $23,000 per day in fines until the information is turned over to the Brazilian government. The information the government is requesting would also be used to identify individuals that are spreading child pornography[25] and hate speech, according to the Brazilian government. As of September 27, 2006 Google has stated that they will not release the information, on the grounds that the requested information is on Google servers in the U.S. and not Google servers in Brazil, and is therefore not subject to Brazilian laws. In March 2008, the Minister of Justice broke the accounts, and the locked albums became opened only to the advocates. There is a possibility of Orkut erasing the pornographic accounts/profiles.

[edit] India

Of late, the number of Indians on Orkut has been increasing rapidly. On October 10, 2006, the Bombay High Court's Aurangabad bench served a notice on Google for allowing a hate campaign against India.[26] This referred to a community on Orkut called 'We Hate India', which initially carried a picture of an Indian flag being burned and some anti-India content.[27]

The High Court order was issued in response to a public-interest petition filed by an Aurangabad advocate. Google had six weeks to respond. Even before the petition was filed, many Orkut users had noticed this community and were mailing or otherwise messaging their contacts on Orkut[citation needed] to report the community as bogus to Google, which could result in its removal. The community continues to exist and had spawned several 'We hate those who hate India' communities.

Prior to the 60th Independence Day of India, orkut's main page was revamped. The section which usually displayed a collage of photos of various people, showed a stylized orkut logo. The word orkut was written in the Devanagiri script and was colored in the Indian national colours. Clicking on the logo redirects to a post by the orkut India Product Manager, Manu Rekhi,[28] on the orkut internal blog. There has also been some media outcry against Orkut after a couple of youngsters were apparently lured by fake profiles on the site and later murdered.[29]

On November 23, Bombay High Court asked the state government to file its reply in connection with a petition demanding a ban on social networking site, Orkut, for hosting an anti-Shivaji Web community.[30]

Recently, the Pune rural police cracked a rave party filled with narcotics.[31] The accused have been charged under anti-narcotic laws, the (Indian) Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropics Substances Act, 1985 (NDPS). Besides the NDPS, according to some media reports, the police were deliberating on the issue of charging the accused under the (Indian) Information Technology Act, 2000 perhaps because Orkut was believed to be one of the mode of communication for these kind of drug abuses.[32]

The Cyber police in India have entered into an agreement with Orkut to have a facility to catch and prosecute those misusing Orkut since the complaints is in a rising stage.[33]

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Alexa rank #11
Commercial? yes
Type of site Social Network Service
Registration required
Available language(s) multilingual
Owner Flag of the United States Google
Created by Flag of Turkey Orkut Büyükkökten
Launched January 2004
Current status Active

Kapil Dev Ramlal Nikhanj

Kapil Dev Ramlal Nikhanj[1] (कपिल देव) (born 6 January 1959, Chandigarh), better known as Kapil Dev, is a former Indian cricketer regarded as one of the greatest all-rounders to have played cricket. Kapil Dev was named by Wisden as the Indian Cricketer of the Century in 2002 [2] for captaining India to their maiden and only Cricket World Cup in 1983 and holding the record for the most Test match wickets between 1994 and 1999. Kapil Dev had a rather prosaic stint as India's national cricket coach for 10 months between October 1999 and August 2000.

Kapil was a right-arm pace bowler noted for his graceful action and potent outswinger, and was India's main strike bowler throughout most of his career. He also developed a fine inswinging yorker during the 1980s which he used very effectively against tail-enders. As a batsman he was a natural striker of the ball who could hook and drive effectively. A naturally aggressive player, he often helped India in difficult situations by taking the attack to the opposition. His nickname was The Haryana Hurricane[3] — he used to represent the Haryana cricket team.

Kapil Dev

Kapil Dev during the ICL launch
Personal information
Full name Kapil Dev Ramlal Nikhanj
Born 6 January 1959 (1959-01-06) (age 49)

Chandigarh, India
Role All-rounder
Batting style Right-handed
Bowling style Right arm fast medium
International information
Test debut (cap 141) 16 October 1978: v Pakistan
Last Test 19 March 1994: v New Zealand
ODI debut (cap 25) 1 October 1978: v Pakistan
Last ODI 17 October 1994: v West Indies
Domestic team information
Years Team
1975 – 1992 Haryana
1984 – 1985 Worcestershire
1981 – 1983 Northamptonshire
Career statistics

Matches 131 225 275 309
Runs scored 5248 3783 11356 5461
Batting average 31.05 23.79 32.91 24.59
100s/50s 8/27 1/14 18/56 2/23
Top score 163 175* 193 175*

Balls bowled 27740 11202 48853 14947
Wickets 434 253 835 335
Bowling average 29.64 27.45 27.09 27.34
5 wickets in innings 23 1 39 2
10 wickets in match 2 n/a 3 n/a
Best bowling 9/83 5/43 9/83 5/43
Catches/stumpings 64/– 71/– 192/– 99/–

As of 24 January 2008

Personal life

Kapil Dev was born to Ram Lal Nikhanj and Raj Kumari Lajwanti (maiden name) on 6 January 1959. He was the sixth of seven siblings. Kapil's parents emigrated from a village near Rawalpindi during Partition. Ram Lal Nikhanj settled in Chandigarh and settled into a prosperous building and timber business. Kapil Dev was a student at D.A.V. School and in 1971 joined as a pupil to Desh Prem Azad. He was introduced to Romi Bhatia by a common friend in 1979 and proposed to her in 1980[4]. Kapil Dev married Romi in 1980 and the couple have a daughter Amiya Dev who was born in 1996

[edit] Domestic performance

Kapil Dev made his debut for Haryana in November 1975 against their neighbors Punjab and impressed with a debut 6/39 innings haul, restricting Punjab to just 63 runs and helping Haryana to a victory. However, Kapil finished the season with only 12 wickets in 3 matches.

In the 1976-77 season opener against Jammu & Kashmir, he had a match haul of 8/36 to win the match for his team. While his contributions for the rest of the season was ordinary, Haryana qualified for the pre quarterfinals. Kapil Dev achieved his then best innings haul of 7/20 in just 9 overs in the second innings to skittle Bengal for 58 runs in under 19 overs. Facing powerhouse Bombay (now Mumbai) in the quarter finals, Haryana were exposed as pretenders with future team mate Karsan Ghavri taking 7 wickets in the first innings. Haryana lost the match when Bombay's batting piled up the pressure by scoring over 500 runs. However, the season made the nation sit up and notice the speedster from Haryana.

Kapil Dev didn't disappoint his growing legion of fans when he improved on his bowling record by taking 8-38 in the first innings against Services in the 1977-78 season. With 3 wickets in the second innings, he took his maiden 10-wicket haul in first-class cricket, a feat he would later achieve twice in Test cricket. With 23 wickets in 4 matches, he was named for his maiden Irani Trophy, Duleep Trophy and Wills Trophy matches though he did not have a stand-out performance.

For the 1978-79 season, Haryana had a repeat encounter with Bengal in the pre-quarterfinal match after a lackluster bowling season from Kapil Dev (12 wickets from 4 matches), riding on the performance of the season's leading wicket-taker - Rajinder Kaul. Kapil Dev however scored 2 half-centuries in the group stage matches. In the pre-quarterfinal match, he showed his big-match attitude by taking a 5-wicket haul in the first innings. Poor batting by Haryana in the second innings meant Bengal could avenge their loss from 2 seasons back by scoring the required 161 runs for the loss of just 4 wickets. Kapil Dev stood out in the Irani Trophy match scoring 62 runs coming in at number 8. He also took 5 catches in the game where Karnataka was defeated by the Rest of India XI. Kapil Dev arrived in the national spotlight with a trademark standout performance in the finals of the Duleep Trophy taking a first innings haul of 7/65 in 24 overs. Kapil Dev was included in the North Zone squad for Deodhar Trophy and Wills Trophy for the first time. Kapil played his first Test match in the season against Pakistan

In the 1979-80 season, Kapil Dev showed his batting talent with a maiden century against Delhi when he scored his career best 193. In the pre-quarterfinal match, where he captained Haryana for the first time against Uttar Pradesh, he took a five wicket haul in the second innings to advance to quarter finals where they lost to Karnataka. With Kapil Dev cementing his place in the [[

[edit] Haryana:1990-91 Ranji champions

In the 1990-91 Ranji season, Haryana rode into the semi-finals on the back of the bowling performance of Chetan Sharma and the batting performance of Amarjit Kaypee. Kapil Dev took centre stage in the semi-final against Bengal where he led his team to a mammoth score of 605 runs by scoring 141 as well as taking 5 wickets.

The finals of the 1991 season will be remembered for the number of international cricketers who were part of the match with Kapil Dev, Chetan Sharma, Ajay Jadeja and Vijay Yadav turning up for Haryana and Bombay cricket team represented by Sanjay Manjrekar, Vinod Kambli, Sachin Tendulkar, Dilip Vengsarkar, Chandrakant Pandit, Salil Ankola and Abey Kuruvilla. Deepak Sharma (199), Ajay Jadeja (94) and Chetan Sharma (98) helped Haryana to a score of 522 while Yogendra Bhandari (5 wickets) and Kapil Dev (3 wickets) restricted Bombay to 410 runs in the first innings. A crucial 41 from Kapil and top scorer Banerjee (60) took Haryana to 242 runs, setting Bombay a target of 355 runs. After the initial wickets, Vengsarkar (139) and Tendulkar (96) fought back for the Bombay team. After Tendulkar's dismissal, Haryana took the final 6 wickets for 102 runs and Vengsarkar and Bombay were stranded 3 runs short of the target. Kapil Dev won his maiden and only Ranji Trophy championship.[5][6]

[edit] International career

A graph showing Kapil Dev's test career bowling statistics and how they have varied over time.
A graph showing Kapil Dev's test career bowling statistics and how they have varied over time.

[edit] Early Years (1978 - 1982)

Kapil Dev made his Test cricket debut in Faisalabad, Pakistan on 16 October 1978 and though his match figures were unimpressive, the numbers did not convey any measure of Kapil's contribution in the match. With his speed and bounce, he bought glee to the Indian players when Pakistani batsmen were startled with bouncers that clanged the helmet on more than one occasion.[7] Kapil Dev also captured his maiden wicket of Sadiq Mohammad with his trademark outswinger.[8] Kapil Dev showcased his all-rounder talent when he scored India's fastest Test half-century off 33 balls and 2 sixes in each of the innings during the 3rd Test match at National Stadium, Karachi[9], though India lost the match and the series 2-0. In the ensuring series against a visiting West Indies team, he scored his maiden Test century (126) at Feroz Shah Kotla, Delhi in just 124 balls[10] and had a steady bowling performance (17 wickets at 33.00). Ominous signs of Kapil Dev's liking for England showed up in the ensuring series, Kapil's first outside the sub-continent. Kapil Dev picked up his first 5-wicket haul and all of England's wickets, though it came at a huge cost (48 overs and 146 runs conceded) as England scored a mammoth 633 and won the match comfortably[11]. Kapil Dev finished the series with 16 wickets though his batting haul of 45 runs (Average: 7.5) was unimpressive. Kapil Dev's debut in ODI Cricket happened in the earlier tour of Pakistan where his individual performance was ordinary and it stayed the same as both Kapil Dev and India had a poor campaign at the 1979 Cricket World Cup.

Kapil Dev established himself as India's premier fast bowler when he took two 5-wicket hauls and ended the home series against Australia with 28 wickets (Average: 22.32) and also 212 runs that included a half-century.[12] Kapil Dev gained fame in the 6-Test home series against Pakistan in the 1979-80 season when he led India to 2 victories against the visitors - once with the bat (69) at Wankhede Stadium, Bombay (Now Mumbai)[13] and the second time with bat and ball (10-wicket haul in match - 4/90 in the first innings and 7/56 in the second innings, 84 in 98 balls with his bat) at Chepauk, Madras (Now Chennai).[14] Kapil Dev rates his all-round performance in this match as his best bowling effort in his career and his second innings figure of 7/56 was his best to-date.[7] During the series, he also became the youngest Test player to achieve the all-round double of 100 Wickets and 1000 Runs and in 25 matches (although Ian Botham took just 21 matches to achieve the same feat) and finished the series with 32 wickets (Ave: 17.68) and 278 runs that included 2 fifties.[15]

India's tour of Australia in 1980-81 had the looks of the familiar Indian series as India were 1-0 down and were defending a meager 143 runs and Kapil Dev virtually ruled out with a groin injury. When Australia finished the fourth day at 18/3, Kapil willed himself to play the final day with pain-killing injections and removed the dangerous Australia middle order. Kapil won the match for India with the innings bowling performance of 16.4-4-28-5, a bowling performance that figures in his five best bowling performance[7]. During the Australian tour, he scored his first fifty in ODIs against New Zealand at Brisbane. Somehow India's Test cricket sensation was unable to adjust to ODI cricket and had a career start of 278 runs (Average: 17.38) and 17 wickets after 16 ODI matches.

A dismal New Zealand tour later,[16] Kapil Dev was ready for the 1981-82 home series against England where his five-wicket haul won the first test at Wankhede Stadium, Bombay (Now Mumbai). Kapil Dev scored 318 runs (Average: 53, 1 century, 1 fifty) and took 22 wickets (2 5-wicket hauls) and walked away with the Man of the Series honours.[17] England saw more of Kapil in the ensuing series at home against the Indian cricket team in the 1982 season when Kapil opened with a 5-wicket haul and 130 runs in a losing cause at Lord's.[18] Kapil Dev finished the 3-match series with 292 runs (Ave: 73, 3 fifties) and 10 Wickets and bagged the Man of the Series again.[19]

Facing Sri Lanka for the first time, Kapil Dev helped himself to a five-wicket haul to kick start the 1982-83 season. In the following tour to Pakistan, Kapil Dev along with Mohinder Amarnath were the only bright spots in a series dominated by rival all-rounder Imran Khan (40 wickets and 1 century).[20] Kapil Dev took a 5/102 haul in the second Test at National Stadium, Karachi, 7/220 in the third Test at Iqbal Stadium, Faisalabad and 8/85 at Gaddafi Stadium, Lahore while he received little support from other team members. After this disastrous tour, Kapil Dev was made the captain of the Indian cricket team in place of Sunil Gavaskar.

[edit] Captain: 1983 World Cup Champions (1982 - 1984)

Kapil Dev debuted as India's captain in the 1982-83 season against Sri Lanka (before the Pakistan tour) when Sunil Gavaskar was rested. Kapil Dev's first assignment as the regular captain was the tour of West Indies where the biggest accomplishment was a lone ODI victory. Kapil Dev (72) and Sunil Gavaskar (90) led India to a huge score - 282/5 in 47 overs and Kapil's 2 wickets aided India to restrict West Indies for 255 and a victory[21] that Indian cricketers claim gave them the confidence to face the West Indies team in 1983 Cricket World Cup[22]. Overall, Kapil Dev had a good series in West Indies as he scored a century to save the second test match[23] as well as picking up 17 wickets (Average: 24.94).

[edit] 1983 World Cup Performance

Kapil Dev entered the World Cup with an ordinary individual record - 32 Matches, 608 Runs (Average: 21), 34 wickets. India's solitary victory in the previous two World Cups was against East Africa in 1975. Riding on Yashpal Sharma (89 Runs), Roger Binny and Ravi Shastri (3 wickets each), India inflicted the West Indies' first-ever defeat in the World Cup.[24] Following a victory against Zimbabwe, India lost the next two matches - Australia (despite Kapil Dev's best career figures of 5/43)[25] and West Indies. Needing victories against Australia and Zimbabwe to advance to semi-finals, India faced Zimbabwe at Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells on 18 June 1983

Under overcast conditions, India won the toss and elected to bat. Disaster struck as the top order started a procession back to the dressing room as Sunil Gavaskar (0), Kris Srikkanth (0), Mohinder Amarnath (5) and Sandeep Patil (1) leaving India at a precarious 9/4 that turned to 17/5 when Yashpal Sharma (9) was dismissed. Batting with the lower order batsmen, Kapil Dev stabilized the side with a 60-run partnership with Roger Binny (22 runs) and a 62-run partnership with Madan Lal. When Syed Kirmani walked in at 140/8, Kapil Dev had scored his half-century and went on to score his century off just 72 balls - establishing the then record for fastest ODI century. Together with Kirmani (22 runs), Kapil put on an unbeaten 126 runs for the 9th wicket - a current world record. Kapil Dev finished not out with 175 runs off 138 balls, an innings that included 16 boundaries and 6 sixes. The innings figures in the Top 10 ODI Batting Performances compiled by Wisden in February 2002[26] at No. 4. India won the match by 31 runs[27]. After a win against Australia, India entered the semi-finals.

On winning the 1983 Cricket World Cup, Indian captain Kapil Dev (left) with the President (center) and the Prime Minister (right)
On winning the 1983 Cricket World Cup, Indian captain Kapil Dev (left) with the President (center) and the Prime Minister (right)

Kapil Dev helped curtail the lower-order after England lost regular wickets to Roger Binny and Mohinder Amarnath. Kapil took 3 wickets as India limited England to 213 and the middle order of Mohinder Amarnath (46 runs), Yashpal Sharma (61), Sandeep Patil (51*) ensured victory[28] and entry into the finals to take on the mighty West Indies cricket team who were looking for a hat-trick of World Cup titles. West Indies restricted India for 183 runs, with only Kris Srikkanth (38 runs) providing some scoring relief. Despite losing Gordon Greenidge, West Indies steadied their innings to 57/2 on the back of quick scoring by Viv Richards and looked comfortable. Richards played one too many aggressive shots when he skied a pull shot from Madan Lal that Kapil caught at deep square leg after running for over 20 yards. The catch is attributed as the turning point in the 1983 WC Final and is regarded as one of the finest in ODI Cricket. West Indies collapsed from 50/1 to 76/6 and finally were bowled out for 140 with Kapil picking up the wicket of Andy Roberts[29]. Kapil Dev had upset Clive Lloyd's West Indies to win their maiden and to-date only World Cup[30] and he led from the front with 303 runs (Average: 60.6), 12 wickets (Average: 20.41) and 7 catches in 8 matches - a truly all-round performance.

[edit] Post World Cup

After the World Cup, India hosted the West Indies cricket team and felt their fury as the West Indies won the Test series 3-0 and the ODI Series 5-0. Kapil Dev achieved his best test bowling performance in a loss at Motera Stadium, Ahmedabad with a return of 9/83[31]. His bowling performance in the test and ODI series was let down by his poor batting performance. The selectors ended the reign of Kapil Dev and reappointed Sunil Gavaskar as captain.

[edit] Difficult captaincy

Kapil lost the captaincy in early 1984 to Sunil Gavaskar. He regained it in March 1985 and guided India on a Test series win over England on their tour in 1986. This period saw one of the most famous matches played during his reign, the second Tied Test in which he was named joint-man of the match with Dean Jones.

Kapil was retained as India's captain for the 1987 Cricket World Cup. In their first match of the World Cup, Australia scored 268 against India. However, after the close of innings, Kapil Dev agreed with the umpires that the score should be increased to 270 as one boundary during the innings had been mistakenly signalled as a four and not a six. In their reply, India scored 269 falling short of Australia's score by one run. In the Wisden Cricketer's Almanack, it was reported that "Kapil Dev's sportsmanship proved the deciding factor in a close-run match".[32]

India went on to reach the semi-final of the 1987 World Cup, where they lost to England. Kapil faced the blame for India's defeat as he holed out to deep mid-wicket triggering a collapse that led to the unexpected loss. He did not captain India again.

The captaincy period was on the whole a difficult one for him as it was mired with reports of differences with Gavaskar, as well as his own inconsistent form as a bowler. However, both men have since insisted that these reports were exaggarated.[33]

[edit] Playing Style

[edit] Batting: Always an entertainer

At his best, Kapil was one of the world's most destructive batsmen.

  • During the Test match series against Pakistan in 1982-83, he demolished Abdul Qadir's leg spin, which the English and Australian batsmen had great difficulty in reading earlier in the same year.
  • He was also fearless in attacking the world's best fast-bowlers. During a World Cup match against the West Indies in 1983, he drove Michael Holding straight over his head for a six, a shot that would have been considered unimaginable by most against a bowler of Holding's pace.
  • In a match on route to the World Cup final of 1983, Kapil smashed a captain's knock of 175 not out against Zimbabwe helping India recover from an extremely poor start. India had collapsed to 9/4 when Kapil came in to bat, and were reduced further to 17/5. His 175 not out turned the game completely in India's favour and was at the time the highest-ever individual score in ODI cricket. It was also the first ODI century by an Indian. Surprisingly, it was also Kapil's only ODI hundred.
  • Another memorable incident relates to a Test match against England in 1990. When India needed 24 runs to save the follow-on with only one wicket remaining, Kapil met that target by hitting four consecutive sixes off Eddie Hemmings. This proved to be the right decision, as in the next over itself, the number 11 batsman Narendra Hirwani was dismissed with no further addition to the score.
  • A further example of his competitive spirit was during a match against West Indies at Sharjah in November 1986, when he tried to cajole Viv Richards into bowling the last over of the match with India needing 36 runs to win. Unsurprisingly, Richards did not give in to his request.[citation needed]
  • Kapil's batting talent and competitive spirit were evident until as late as 1992, when during a Test match against South Africa, he counter-attacked Allan Donald and the rest of the South African pace attack on his way to his final Test century, an outstanding 129 out of a total of 215. The next highest score was only 17 and none of the top six batsmen got into double figures.

[edit] Bowling Style

By the end of 1983,Kapil already had about 250 Test wickets in just five years and looked well on his way to becoming one of the most prolific wicket-takers ever. However, following knee surgery in 1984, his bowling declined as he lost some of his majestic jump at the crease. He continued to be effective, if not devastating, for another ten years and became the second bowler ever to take 400 wickets in Test cricket in 1991-92 when he took Mark Taylor's wicket in a home series versus Australia.

[edit] Post retirement

[edit] India's National Cricket Coach

Kapil Dev was appointed coach of the Indian national cricket team in 1999 succeeding Anshuman Gaekwad [34]. In his term, India won just one test match (at home against New Zealand) and had two major series losses in Australia (3-0) and at home against South Africa (2-0) and in general considered a disappointment.[35] At the height of the match fixing allegation by Manoj Prabhakar[36] — a charge that was dismissed later[37], Kapil Dev resigned from his position as national coach. Stung by the betting controversy, he announced farewell to the game stating that "I bid adieu to the game that gave me so much and then took a great deal of it away on the mere hearsay of a third party".[38]

[edit] Return to Cricket

Kapil Dev accepting Wisden Indian Cricketer of the Century award in July 2002
Kapil Dev accepting Wisden Indian Cricketer of the Century award in July 2002

After a period of silence and away from the public eye, Kapil Dev returned to cricket when Wisden announced Kapil Dev as one of the sixteen finalists for the Wisden Indian Cricketer of the Century award in July 2002. Kapil Dev piped long time team-mate Gavaskar and crowd favourite Tendulkar to win the award and claimed the award as "my finest hour".[2]

Kapil Dev slowly returned to cricket as a bowling consultant[39] and was the bowling coach in the preparatory camp prior to India's tour of Pakistan in March 2004[40]. In October 2006, Kapil Dev was nominated as the chairman of National Cricket Academy for a 2 year period.[41]

In May 2007, Kapil Dev joined the upstart Indian Cricket League (ICL) floated by Zee TV as the chairman of executive board and defended his decision as complimenting BCCI's structure rather than opposing it - "We are not looking to create a rival team but helping the Indian board to find more talent".[42] In June 2007, BCCI responded by revoking the pension for all players who have joined ICL, including Kapil.[43] on 21 August 2007, Kapil Dev was removed from the chairmanship of the National Cricket Academy, a day after he addressed a formal press conference of the new Indian Cricket League.[citation needed]

[edit] Records

[edit] Test cricket

Kapil Dev's career performance graph.
Kapil Dev's career performance graph.
  • Kapil is the only player to have achieved the all-rounder's double of 4,000 Test runs and 400 Test wickets.

[edit] ODI cricket

  • In 1988, Kapil overtook Joel Garner to become the highest wicket-taker in ODI cricket. His final career tally of 253 wickets remained a record until it was broken by Wasim Akram in 1994 [44].
  • According to the ICC cricket ratings for all-rounders in ODI cricket [45], Kapil's peak rating of 631 is the highest rating ever achieved. He reached this mark on 22 March 1985 after a World Series final against Pakistan in Australia.

[edit] Achievements

[edit] Awards

[edit] Test Match Awards

Man of Series Awards

# Series Season Series Performance
1 England in India 1981/82 318 Runs (6 Matches, 8 Innings, 1x100, 1x50); 243.1-40-835-22 (2x5WI); 3 Catches
2 India in England 1982 292 Runs (3 Matches, 3 Innings, 3x50); 133-21-439-10 (1x5WI)
3 West Indies in India 1983/84 184 Runs (6 Matches, 11 Innings); 203.-43-537-29 (2x5WI, 1x10WM); 4 Catches
4 India in Australia 1985/86 135 Runs (3 Matches, 3 Innings, 1x50); 118-31-276-12 (1x5WI); 5 Catches

Man of the Match Awards

S No Opponent Venue Season Match Performance
1 England Wankhede, Mumbai 1981/82 1st Innings: 38 (8x4); 22-10-29-1
2nd Innings: 46 (5x4); 13.2-0-70-5
2 England Lord's, London 1992/93 1st Innings: 41 (4x4); 43-8-125-5
2nd Innings: 89 (13x4, 3x6); 10-1-43-3
3 Pakistan Gadafi, Lahore 1982/93 1st Innings: 30.5-7-85-8
4 Australia Adelaide Oval, Adelaide 1985/86 1st Innings: 38 (8x4); 38-6-106-8
2nd Innings: 3-1-3-0
5 England Lord's, London 1986 1st Innings: 1 Run; 31-8-67-1; 1 Catch
2nd Innings: 23*(4x4, 1x6); 22-7-52-4
6* Australia Chepauk, Chennai 1986/87 1st Innings: 119 (21x4);18-5-52-0; 2 Catches
2nd Innings: 1 Run; 1-0-5-0
7 Sri Lanka Barabati, Cuttack 1986/87 1st Innings: 60 Runs; 26-3-69-4; 2 Catches
2nd Innings: 16-4-36-1
8 Pakistan National Stadium, Karachi 1989/90 1st Innings: 55 (8x4); 24-5-69-4
2nd Innings: 36-15-82-3

[edit] ODI Match Awards

Man of the Series Awards

# Series (Opponents) Season Series Performance
1 Texaco Trophy (India in England ODI Series) 1982 107 (2 Matches & 2 Innings, 1x50); 20-3-60-0
2[47] Benson & Hedges World Series Cup (Australia, New Zealand) 1985/86 202 Runs (9 Innings); 20/391; 7 Catches

Man of the Match Awards

S No Opponent Venue Season Match Performance
1 New Zealand Woolloongabba, Brisbane 1980/81 75 (51b, 9x4, 3x6); 10-0-37-1; 1 Catch
2 West Indies Albion Sports Complex, Berbice, Guyana 1982/83 72 (38b, 7x4, 3x6); 10-0-33-2; 2 Catches
3 Zimbabwe Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells 1983 175* (138b, 16x4, 6x6); 11-1-32-1; 2 Catches
4 England VCA Ground, Nagpur 1984/85 54 (41b, 3x4, 4x6); 10-1-42-1
5 New Zealand Woolloongabba, Brisbane 1985/86 54* (53b, 5x4); 10-1-28-1
6 England Sharjah 1986/87 64 (54b, 5x4, 1x6); 8-1-30-1
7 New Zealand Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore 1987/88 72* (58b, 4x4, 1x6); 10-1-54-0
8 Zimbabwe Gujarat Stadium, Ahmedabad 1987/88 41* (25b, 2x4, 3x6), 10-2-44-2
9 West Indies Sharjah 1989/90 41 (50b, 2x4, 1x6); 7.4-1-19-2
10 New Zealand Basin Reserve, Wellington 1989/90 46 (38b, 4x4, 1x6); 9.5-1-45-2
11 South Africa Kingsmead, Durban 1992/93 30 (37b, 5x4); 10-4-23-3

[edit] Business Interests

[edit] Sports

  • After retirment from cricket in 1994, Kapil Dev took up golf[48].
  • Kapil Dev was the only Asian founding member of Laureus Foundation in 2000. Ian Botham and Viv Richards were the other two cricketers on the founding member council of 40. Steve Waugh was added to the Academy members in 2006 when it was expanded from 40 to 42.

[edit] Business

Kapil's autobiography released in 2004
Kapil's autobiography released in 2004
  • In 2005, Kapil Dev picked up 5% stake in Zicom Electronics[49]
  • Kapil Dev has written three autobiographical works. By God's Decree came out in 1985 and Cricket my style in 1987. He released his most recent autobiography, titled Straight from the Heart in 2004 (ISBN 1403-92227-6) [50].
  • Kapil Dev made a cameo appearance in the film Iqbal, Chain Khuli ki Main Khuli and Mujhse Shadi Karogi [56]